Happy international Women’s day!

My most precious lesson from Warren Buffett
March 6, 2023
Excerpt from my favourite book.
March 9, 2023

Happy international Women's day!

Dear Ladies of the world,

You have covered some distance but still there is huge gap to be filled for creating an equal society. One area where the inequality is particularly glaring is in the field of money matters.

Dear ladies, why are you still not making major financial decisions including investment decisions? Men have created the impression that finance is better left to them and you cannot understand the nuances of risk and return. This is surely a myth which must be busted.

From my experience in the field of investments, I can confidently conclude that you are a notch ahead than men when it comes to building a great investment portfolio. I have reiterated many times that external things like state of the stock market, prevailing economic situations, interest rate movement etc matter less in investor’s portfolio building. What matters more is investors’ risk tolerance, financial goals, and ability to save optimally despite all the pressing financial needs. Here the understanding of you play a more robust role. You are more emotionally inclined with family’s financial goals and better motivated to save for these goals. So you have the inherent qualities to become successful investors. Including you, in the financial decisions create a magical impact for the entire family. I can vouch the success of many families in the area  of portfolio wealth creation, where ladies are active participants. These ladies have proved themselves as better money manager because they can maintain the fine balance between income, expense and savings.

In this backdrop, It is surprising that even most of the career oriented ladies who are doing very well in their jobs and businesses, don’t take their investment decision themselves. They still take the endorsement of their father, husband or other dominant male members of their family. Taking advise is certainly a great thing but following the diktat is not something which you will definitely be proud of.

In the families where you are playing the role of a home maker, you seldom participate in the investment and financial decisions! My experience says that, for the success in portfolio building, All the family members must come on board without which it is just not possible to develop an effective saving plan and execute it consistently.

Dear ladies, you had run the movement to take the political rights, take the right to choose your career, take the right to choose your life partner and you have been forcing the Govts to formulate policies that promote equality. So, why don’t participate in your investment and financial decisions also? The real empowerment will not complete till you demand equal rights in financial matters. So, shed your hesitancy and take energetic participation in financial decisions. You can do equal or even better than the men, that is for sure.

Manoj Pandey