
May 15, 2023
Do You Prefer Investing in Funds with Low NAV?

Do You Prefer Investing in Funds with Low NAV?

The other day, I got a call from one of my clients. She had earlier planned for SIPs. But she told me that her bank manager was telling her to avoid investing in funds with high NAV (Net Asset Value). Bank manager further advised her to wait for 2-3 months and then invest because as he said by then the NAV of those funds would come […]
May 2, 2023
With a big enough why you can overcome any how

With a big enough why you can overcome any how

With the continuous changing investment landscape, It becomes quite confusing for the common investors as to how to choose various investment avenues. Sometimes equity performs, sometimes debt and sometimes international funds or gold funds take the lead. Even within equity, there are funds with different market caps and styles which find the flavour from time to time. So, what is the solution? Should we always remain on our […]
April 27, 2023
How to make SIPs more powerful

How to make SIPs more powerful

SIPs are probably the most effective tool in the hands of small investors to fulfil their financial dreams. They are affordable, easy to implement and take away the pain of making investment decisions again and again. But despite all these obvious benefits, the number of SIP holders is not very high. I estimate that not even 1% of India’s population is investing in SIPs. Even, those […]
April 25, 2023
The Power of Now in Your Financial Planning

The Power of Now in Your Financial Planning

No one can dispute that the best way to live life is to live every moment. Rather than dwelling in the thoughts about past & future, live in the now and you will realize that dealing with the challenges of life is not that difficult. But when we do financial planning, we think about future goals. Also, we occasionally refer to our past to understand our beliefs about investments […]
April 22, 2023

Some Automation Strategies That Can Do Wonders to Your Financial Planning

Investment decisions could be stressful. More so if you have to keep making them on a continuous basis. I observe many investors who start enthusiastically and back their ongoing investment decisions to a certain fundamental plank- ” I study the Indian economy, world economy, geopolitical situations etc hence I have a good idea about how the market functions” they may claim. But very soon their enthusiasm converts into […]
April 21, 2023
Why should debt funds still be the integral part of your portfolio

Why should debt funds still be the integral part of your portfolio

When on 24th March, the Govt announced a change in tax rules in debt funds and made their capital gains fully taxable, mood was gloomy among investors. Many Investors have been planning to shift their SIPs in debt funds and move towards equity or hybrid funds. Some have already done so. But, is this the right move? Should investments be done only on the basis  of taxation? […]