
April 7, 2023
RBI Surprise move- No change in the interest rate

RBI Surprise move- No change in the interest rate

In a rather surprise move, RBI in its recent monetary policy on 6th April 2023 has unanimously decided to keep the repo rate unchanged at 6.5%. RBI has been hiking interest rate since May 2022 and so far has increased it by 2.5% since May 2022. So, in a way this is a welcome break. Recently twin bank failures in the US and distress sale of big […]
April 2, 2023
Applying the law of least efforts on investment planning

Applying the law of least efforts on investment planning

“Warren Buffet”, Naam to suna hi hoga ! The beauty of his investment process and his life in general is that they are not at all complicated. Look at the following points- 1) He adopts a buy and hold strategy in the midst of high in and out game of the stock market. 2) He is not concerned about what is happening at the macro level. He famously […]
March 25, 2023
New Taxation on Debt Mutual Funds

New Taxation on Debt Mutual Funds

Debt mutual funds will no longer enjoy the long term capital gain benefit of 20% taxation along with indexation benefit. The government made this proposal today in the form of an amendment to the finance bill 2023. With this proposal, capital gain in debt funds bought after 1st April 2023 will be fully taxable even after completing 3 years. So far, debt funds attract capital gain taxation […]
March 24, 2023
What Should Be the Right Age of Retirement?

What Should Be the Right Age of Retirement?

For the past 12 days, France has been burning. Surprisingly the issue is seemingly an innocuous one. The French Govt has increased the retirement age from 62 Years to 64 Years in order to control the burgeoning pension bills. France spends almost 15% of its budget on pensions and has one of the best pension systems in the world for pensioners. For the majority of French people the […]
March 23, 2023
Do you focus on superior returns or being a lifelong investor?

Do you focus on superior returns or being a lifelong investor?

For over more than 23 years of my profession in the field of investments, I have observed that most people fail to continue their investments for the long term. They start their investments and SIPs with full of energy but after a while their enthusiasm goes for a toss. Then, something or the other would pop up and they would stop their investments. Maybe they would […]
March 21, 2023
Magnanimous effect of compounding interest

Magnanimous effect of compounding interest

When I studied compound interests for the first time in my class VI, little did I know that this is going to be my future profession. Teaching compounding interest that is or even more precise, teaching the practical aspect of compound interest. I did my graduation in Science and then MBA and studied a number of subjects but what I still remember is this subject of my […]