
April 21, 2023
Why should debt funds still be the integral part of your portfolio

Why should debt funds still be the integral part of your portfolio

When on 24th March, the Govt announced a change in tax rules in debt funds and made their capital gains fully taxable, mood was gloomy among investors. Many Investors have been planning to shift their SIPs in debt funds and move towards equity or hybrid funds. Some have already done so. But, is this the right move? Should investments be done only on the basis  of taxation? […]
April 21, 2023
How to develop the habit of SIP

How to develop the habit of SIP-

Investment is not at all a rocket science. For someone who wants to build a great portfolio, live a life of financial freedom and achieve her/his financial goals, SIPs are the most wonderful instruments. A humble SIP started early can create a huge portfolio figure a few years later. That’s how the magic of compounding works. Yet most of the people who want to start the […]
April 21, 2023
Make your surrounding conducive for Investments

Make your surrounding conducive for Investments-

Few practical tips which should definitely help you save and invest more- 1) Fix a day of the month as the investment day- For example you may choose the 10th of every month as your SIP day. Mark this day in your calendar as the investment day. Subsequently the 10th of the month will be designated in your system as an investment day and you will […]
April 20, 2023
Proud to be an Investor

Proud to be an Investor

I cannot afford to invest now! This is the common refrain of many people who think of investment in linear terms. But I firmly believe that each and every one of us can be an investor. Let’s see how to become a successful investor even if you are not investing huge money- 1) You don’t need a big amount for being an investor- I cannot emphasise this […]
April 19, 2023
How to set your financial goals

How to set your financial goals

What do you want from your investments- When I ask this question, most of the clients’ answers are not only vague but also leading them towards complications. They may answer- I want the best return and for that I can take some risk. But at least my principal should remain intact. Some may quote a certain number as their goal e. g they may say I want […]
April 17, 2023
Attitude of Gratitude Makes a Huge Difference in Your Investment Planning

Attitude of Gratitude Makes a Huge Difference in Your Investment Planning

I was watching a program on YouTube where Oprah Winfrey was talking to Eckhart Tolle ( who wrote the legendary  book “The Power of Now”) about gratitude. Oprah said-when she is upset and worried she turns to her breathing and feels grateful for that. Grateful for breathing? Feeling grateful for something which is so obvious in all of our lives! But that’s how the people with […]